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React Flow 12.5.0

fitView just got a lot better!

Have ever struggled with making fitView work right after adding or changing your nodes? Does your code look something like this?

setNodes((nodes) => [nodes, ...newNode]); requestAnimationFrame(() => { fitView(); }); // renders the node first and then fits the view :(

Well, you are in for a treat! No more hacks, no more setTimeout or requestAnimationFrame and no more split second frames of unfitted views!

setNodes((nodes) => [nodes, ...newNode]); fitView(); // it just works. // adding a new node and fitting the view happens at the same time

One more thing

You might have realized that the padding value for fitViewOptions is quite a weird fella! What does padding: 0.3 even mean? Well we don’t know either, so you you can now pass pixel values '25px', viewport percentages '10%' and true pros can now even

const fitViewOptions = { padding: { /** horizontal */ x: '100px', /** vertical */ y: '50px', /** e.g. top overwrites x */ top: '25px', /** mix and match units */ left: '15%', /** legacy units still work */ bottom: 0.1, /** have a modal on the right that stretches 50% over the screen? */ right: '50%', }, };
setNodes((nodes) => [nodes, ...newNode]); fitView(); // it just works. // adding a new node and fitting the view happens at the same time

New Features

  • #5067 Define different fitView paddings for each side in ‘px’ or ’%’.

Patch Changes

  • #5067 Fix fitView not working immediately after adding new nodes
  • #5059 Prevent onPaneClick when connection is in progress.
  • #5093 Hidden nodes are not displayed in the mini map anymore
  • #5090 Release key even when an inout field is focused
  • Thanks @dimaMachina! - for improving TSDoc comments for BackgroundProps, EdgeLabelOptions, ControlProps, NodeToolbarProps, EdgeLabelRendererProps, EdgeLabelOptions and EdgeTextProps

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