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<BaseEdge />

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The <BaseEdge /> component gets used internally for all the edges. It can be used inside a custom edge and handles the invisible helper edge and the edge label for you.

import { BaseEdge } from '@xyflow/react'; export function CustomEdge({ sourceX, sourceY, targetX, targetY, ...props }) { const [edgePath] = getStraightPath({ sourceX, sourceY, targetX, targetY, }); return <BaseEdge path={edgePath} {...props} />; }


The width of the invisible area around the edge that the user can interact with. This is useful for making the edge easier to click or hover over.
The SVG path string that defines the edge. This should look something like 'M 0 0 L 100 100' for a simple line. The utility functions like getSimpleBezierEdge can be used to generate this string for you.
The id of the SVG marker to use at the start of the edge. This should be defined in a <defs> element in a separate SVG document or element.
The id of the SVG marker to use at the end of the edge. This should be defined in a <defs> element in a separate SVG document or element.
string | React.ReactNode
The label or custom element to render along the edge. This is commonly a text label or some custom controls.
[number, number]


  • If you want to use an edge marker with the <BaseEdge /> component, you can pass the markerStart or markerEnd props passed to your custom edge through to the <BaseEdge /> component. You can see all the props passed to a custom edge by looking at the EdgeProps type.
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