The ReactFlowInstance
provides a collection of methods to query and manipulate
the internal state of your flow. You can get an instance by using the
hook or attaching a listener to the
export type ReactFlowInstance<T, U> = {
// Nodes and Edges
getNode: (id: string) => Node<T> | undefined;
getNodes: () => Node<T>[];
addNodes: (payload: Node<T>[] | Node<T>) => void;
setNodes: (payload: Node<T>[] | ((nodes: Node<T>[]) => Node<T>[])) => void;
getEdge: (id: string) => Edge<U> | undefined;
getEdges: () => Edge<U>[];
addEdges: (payload: Edge<U>[] | Edge<U>) => void;
setEdges: (payload: Edge<U>[] | ((edges: Edge<U>[]) => Edge<U>[])) => void;
toObject: () => ReactFlowJsonObject<T, U>;
deleteElements: (payload: {
nodes?: (Partial<Node> & { id: Node['id'] })[];
edges?: (Partial<Edge> & { id: Edge['id'] })[];
}) => void;
getNodesBounds: (nodes: (NodeType | InternalNode | string)[]) => Rect;
// Intersections
getIntersectingNodes: (
node: (Partial<Node<T>> & { id: Node['id'] }) | Rect,
partially?: boolean,
nodes?: Node<T>[],
) => Node<T>[];
isNodeIntersecting: (
node: (Partial<Node<T>> & { id: Node['id'] }) | Rect,
area: Rect,
partially?: boolean,
) => boolean;
// Viewport
viewportInitialized: boolean;
zoomIn: (options?: { duration: number }) => void;
zoomOut: (options?: { duration: number }) => void;
zoomTo: (zoomLevel: number, options?: { duration: number }) => void;
getZoom: () => number;
setViewport: (viewport: Viewport, options?: { duration: number }) => void;
getViewport: () => Viewport;
fitView: (fitViewOptions?: FitViewOptions) => boolean;
setCenter: (
x: number,
y: number,
options?: { duration: number; zoom: number },
) => void;
fitBounds: (
bounds: Rect,
options?: { duration: number; padding: number },
) => void;
screenToFlowPosition: (position: { x: number; y: number }) => {
x: number;
y: number;
flowToScreenPosition: (position: { x: number; y: number }) => {
x: number;
y: number;
updateNode: (
id: string,
nodeUpdate: Partial<NodeType> | ((node: NodeType) => Partial<NodeType>),
options?: { replace: boolean },
) => void;
updateNodeData: (
id: string,
| Partial<NodeType>['data']
| ((node: Node) => Partial<NodeType>['data']),
options?: { replace: boolean },
) => void;
updateEdge: (
id: string,
edgeUpdate: Partial<EdgeType> | ((node: EdgeType) => Partial<EdgeType>),
options?: { replace: boolean },
) => void;
updateEdgeData: (
id: string,
| Partial<EdgeType>['data']
| ((node: Edge) => Partial<EdgeType>['data']),
options?: { replace: boolean },
) => void;
Nodes and edges
Name | Type |
# getNode | (id: string) => Node<T> | undefined |
# getInternalNode | (id: string) => InternalNode<T> | undefined |
# getNodes | () => Node<T>[] |
# addNodes | Add one or many nodes to your existing nodes array. Calling
this function will trigger the onNodesChange handler in a controlled flow. |
# setNodes | Set your nodes array to something else by either overwriting
it with a new array or by passing in a function to update the existing array.
If using a function, it is important to make sure a new array is returned
instead of mutating the existing array. Calling this function will trigger
the onNodesChange handler in a controlled flow. |
# getEdge | (id: string) => Edge<U> | undefined |
# getEdges | () => Edge<U>[] |
# addEdges | Add one or many edges to your existing edges array. Calling
this function will trigger the onEdgesChange handler in a controlled flow. |
# setEdges | Set your edges array to something else by either overwriting
it with a new array or by passing in a function to update the existing array.
If using a function, it is important to make sure a new array is returned
instead of mutating the existing array. Calling this function will trigger
the onEdgesChange handler in a controlled flow. |
# toObject | () => ReactFlowJsonObject<T, U> This function returns a JSON representation of your current React Flow graph. |
# deleteElements | |
# updateNode | |
# updateNodeData | |
# updateEdge | |
# updateEdgeData | |
# getHandleConnections | ({ type, nodeId, id }: { type: HandleType, nodeId: string, id?: string | null }) => HandleConnection[] Get all the connections of a handle belonging to a specific node. The type parameter be either 'source' or 'target'. |
# getNodeConnections | ({ nodeId, type, handleId }: { nodeId: string, type?: HandleType, handleId?: string | null }) => NodeConnection[] Get all the connections to a specific node. Can be filtered by handle type or id. |
# getNodesBounds | (nodes: (NodeType | InternalNode | string)[]) => Rect Returns the bounds of the given nodes or node ids. |
# getNodeConnections | ({type?: HandleType, nodeId: string, handleId?: string | null }) => NodeConnection[] Get all the connections to a specific node. Can be filtered by handle type or id. |
Name | Type |
# getIntersectingNodes | (node: (Partial<Node<T>> & { id: Node["id"] }) | Rect, partially?: boolean, nodes?: Node<T>[]) => Node<T>[] Find all the nodes currently intersecting with a given node
or rectangle. The partially parameter can be set to true to include nodes
that are only partially intersecting. |
# isNodeIntersecting | Determine if a given node or rectangle is intersecting with
another rectangle. The partially parameter can be set to true return true
even if the node is only partially intersecting. |
Viewport fields
Name | Type |
# viewportInitialized | boolean React Flow needs to mount the viewport to the DOM and initialize
its zoom and pan behavior. This property tells you when |
# zoomIn | (options?: { duration: number; }) => void |
# zoomOut | (options?: { duration: number; }) => void |
# zoomTo | (zoomLevel: number, options?: { duration: number; }) => void Zoom the viewport to a given zoom level. Passing in a duration
will animate the viewport to the new zoom level. |
# getZoom | () => number Get the current zoom level of the viewport. |
# setViewport | (viewport: Viewport, options?: { duration: number; }) => void |
# getViewport | () => Viewport |
# fitView | (fitViewOptions?: FitViewOptions) => boolean |
# setCenter | (x: number, y: number, options?: { duration: number, zoom: number; }) => void Center the viewport on a given position. Passing in a duration
will animate the viewport to the new position. |
# fitBounds | (bounds: Rect, options?: { duration: number, padding: number; }) => void A low-level utility function to fit the viewport to a given
rectangle. By passing in a duration, the viewport will animate from its
current position to the new position. The padding option can be used to
add space around the bounds. |
# screenToFlowPosition | (position: { x: number; y: number; }) => { x: number; y: number; } With this function you can translate a screen pixel position
to a flow position. It is useful for implementing drag and drop from a sidebar
for example. |
# flowToScreenPosition | (position: { x: number; y: number; }) => { x: number; y: number; } Translate a position inside the flow's canvas to a screen
pixel position. |
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