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New release 11.10.0!

Moritz Klack

We want to make the migration for v12 as smooth as possible. That’s why we added deprecation warnings for the following util functions:

Rename useReactFlow.project to useReactFlow.screenToFlowPosition

⚠️ changes: no need to subtract react flow bounds anymore!


const reactFlowBounds = reactFlowWrapper.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const position = reactFlowInstance.project({ x: event.clientX - reactFlowBounds.left, y: event.clientY -, });


const position = reactFlowInstance.screenToFlowPosition({ x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY, });

Rename getTransformForBounds to getViewportForBounds

⚠️ changes: returns { x: number, y: number, zoom: number } instead of [number, number, number].


const [x, y, zoom] = getTransformForBounds(bounds, width, height, 0.5, 2);


const { x, y, zoom } = getViewportForBounds(bounds, width, height, 0.5, 2);

Rename getRectOfNodes to getNodesBounds

no changes, just a renaming.

New features

  • added useReactFlow.flowToScreenPosition for completion

Besides that we fixed some bugs 🐛 You can find all change in the v11.10.0 Github release.

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