We refreshed our docs!

We refreshed the React Flow docs in November 2023, so things might look a little different around here:

  • Docs is now called Learn. This section aims to answer the question of "how do I use X?"

  • API is now called Reference. This section answers the question "what is this thing?" A big change from the previous version of our docs is that all of our types, components, hooks, and util functions now get their own page now.

  • "How to" blog posts now live in Learn > Tutorials

Why the changes?

So far the docs have been growing organically since 2019, without any sort of overarching concept. While we worked on a website redesign, we decided it was time to rethink how folks are using our docs so that we can create a better developer experience. Our hope is that these changes make the docs easier to use for both experienced React Flow users and newcomers.

We also did a change of tech stack along the way. We were using Docusaurus, and now we're using Nextra (opens in a new tab). Cool beans.

If you find anything to change or improve, just click on the "Edit this page" link on the right-side of any page in our docs or open an issue over on GitHub (opens in a new tab).