Tracking business goals with React Flow-powered maps

Can you describe Doubleloop in a sentence?
We enable organizations to understand how the work they are doing maps to the key outcomes they want to achieve.
What problem or decision were you facing that made you decide to use React Flow?
Developer ergonomics- flexibility in that the library is really solving the core of flow-charting and not something more bespoke to their original domain problem. Vibrancy of the project development seen through frequency of changes, community, bugs / PRs, etc.
How are you currently using React Flow?
It’s the majority of our core user experience. Our users interact with all the of the domain objects in our system via the reactflow pages (we call them Maps). We have been leveling up our overall set of interactions to feel as natural as FigJam and Miro.
Can you give an example of something about React Flow that you have found especially useful?
It’s the overall ergonomics that feel really nice. The library is opinionated on things that I want a flowchart library opinionated on like the overall domain modeling of a flow chart library but completely un-opinionated on all the things that should be like what exactly is rendered as a Node.
Have you experienced any issues or challenges while using the library? If so, how were they resolved?
Mostly around things that I attribute to the youth of the project. Overall its been developing in a great direction that we largely assess by how much custom code we get to delete when a new release is out because it’s being handled by new internal APIs.
How have the features of your React Flow subscription helped you so far?
Visit Project Website100% Pro examples. Those and the Discord chat have been all we’ve really leveraged to date.

Our customers can solve their spatial problems thanks to our data catalog and analytical tools. We are using React Flow for our Workflows tool, which is our main visual tool to automate data preparation & analysis pipelines

We were seeking a React library that helps us to turn data models into visualization without spending too much time building abstractions and interactive elements. To save time in development we opted for a stable, mature and feature-rich library that we can extend with custom rendering options.