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Interaction Props

This example shows the different props like nodesDraggable, zoomOnScroll or panOnDrag that control the interactivity of a diagram. You can find a list with all props that can be used to manage the interactivity in the interaction props section.

import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react'; import { Background, ReactFlow, useNodesState, useEdgesState, addEdge, MiniMap, Controls, Panel, } from '@xyflow/react'; import '@xyflow/react/dist/style.css'; const initialNodes = [ { id: 'interaction-1', type: 'input', data: { label: 'Node 1' }, position: { x: 250, y: 5 }, }, { id: 'interaction-2', data: { label: 'Node 2' }, position: { x: 100, y: 100 }, }, { id: 'interaction-3', data: { label: 'Node 3' }, position: { x: 400, y: 100 }, }, { id: 'interaction-4', data: { label: 'Node 4' }, position: { x: 400, y: 200 }, }, ]; const initialEdges = [ { id: 'interaction-e1-2', source: 'interaction-1', target: 'interaction-2', animated: true, }, { id: 'interaction-e1-3', source: 'interaction-1', target: 'interaction-3' }, ]; const onNodeDragStart = (event, node) => console.log('drag start', node); const onNodeDragStop = (event, node) => console.log('drag stop', node); const onNodeClick = (event, node) => console.log('click node', node); const onPaneClick = (event) => console.log('onPaneClick', event); const onPaneScroll = (event) => console.log('onPaneScroll', event); const onPaneContextMenu = (event) => console.log('onPaneContextMenu', event); const InteractionFlow = () => { const [nodes, setNodes, onNodesChange] = useNodesState(initialNodes); const [edges, setEdges, onEdgesChange] = useEdgesState(initialEdges); const onConnect = useCallback( (params) => setEdges((els) => addEdge(params, els)), [], ); const [isSelectable, setIsSelectable] = useState(false); const [isDraggable, setIsDraggable] = useState(false); const [isConnectable, setIsConnectable] = useState(false); const [zoomOnScroll, setZoomOnScroll] = useState(false); const [panOnScroll, setPanOnScroll] = useState(false); const [panOnScrollMode, setPanOnScrollMode] = useState('free'); const [zoomOnDoubleClick, setZoomOnDoubleClick] = useState(false); const [panOnDrag, setPanOnDrag] = useState(true); const [captureZoomClick, setCaptureZoomClick] = useState(false); const [captureZoomScroll, setCaptureZoomScroll] = useState(false); const [captureElementClick, setCaptureElementClick] = useState(false); return ( <ReactFlow nodes={nodes} edges={edges} onNodesChange={onNodesChange} onEdgesChange={onEdgesChange} elementsSelectable={isSelectable} nodesConnectable={isConnectable} nodesDraggable={isDraggable} zoomOnScroll={zoomOnScroll} panOnScroll={panOnScroll} panOnScrollMode={panOnScrollMode} zoomOnDoubleClick={zoomOnDoubleClick} onConnect={onConnect} onNodeClick={captureElementClick ? onNodeClick : undefined} onNodeDragStart={onNodeDragStart} onNodeDragStop={onNodeDragStop} panOnDrag={panOnDrag} onPaneClick={captureZoomClick ? onPaneClick : undefined} onPaneScroll={captureZoomScroll ? onPaneScroll : undefined} onPaneContextMenu={captureZoomClick ? onPaneContextMenu : undefined} fitView attributionPosition="top-right" style={{ backgroundColor: "#F7F9FB" }} > <MiniMap /> <Controls /> <Panel position="topleft"> <div> <label htmlFor="draggable"> <input id="draggable" type="checkbox" checked={isDraggable} onChange={(event) => setIsDraggable(} className="react-flow__draggable" /> nodesDraggable </label> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="connectable"> <input id="connectable" type="checkbox" checked={isConnectable} onChange={(event) => setIsConnectable(} className="react-flow__connectable" /> nodesConnectable </label> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="selectable"> <input id="selectable" type="checkbox" checked={isSelectable} onChange={(event) => setIsSelectable(} className="react-flow__selectable" /> elementsSelectable </label> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="zoomonscroll"> <input id="zoomonscroll" type="checkbox" checked={zoomOnScroll} onChange={(event) => setZoomOnScroll(} className="react-flow__zoomonscroll" /> zoomOnScroll </label> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="panonscroll"> <input id="panonscroll" type="checkbox" checked={panOnScroll} onChange={(event) => setPanOnScroll(} className="react-flow__panonscroll" /> panOnScroll </label> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="panonscrollmode"> <select id="panonscrollmode" value={panOnScrollMode} onChange={(event) => setPanOnScrollMode(} className="react-flow__panonscrollmode" > <option value="free">free</option> <option value="horizontal">horizontal</option> <option value="vertical">vertical</option> </select> panOnScrollMode </label> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="zoomondbl"> <input id="zoomondbl" type="checkbox" checked={zoomOnDoubleClick} onChange={(event) => setZoomOnDoubleClick(} className="react-flow__zoomondbl" /> zoomOnDoubleClick </label> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="panOnDrag"> <input id="panOnDrag" type="checkbox" checked={panOnDrag} onChange={(event) => setPanOnDrag(} className="react-flow__panOnDrag" /> panOnDrag </label> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="capturezoompaneclick"> <input id="capturezoompaneclick" type="checkbox" checked={captureZoomClick} onChange={(event) => setCaptureZoomClick(} className="react-flow__capturezoompaneclick" /> capture onPaneClick </label> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="capturezoompanescroll"> <input id="capturezoompanescroll" type="checkbox" checked={captureZoomScroll} onChange={(event) => setCaptureZoomScroll(} className="react-flow__capturezoompanescroll" /> capture onPaneScroll </label> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="captureelementclick"> <input id="captureelementclick" type="checkbox" checked={captureElementClick} onChange={(event) => setCaptureElementClick(} className="react-flow__captureelementclick" /> capture onElementClick </label> </div> </Panel> <Background /> </ReactFlow> ); }; export default InteractionFlow;
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