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Edge Markers

React Flow has built-in support for different marker types for your edges. It’s possible to add your own SVG markers, too.

import React from 'react'; import { ReactFlow, Background, MarkerType } from '@xyflow/react'; import '@xyflow/react/dist/style.css'; const defaultNodes = [ { id: 'A', position: { x: 20, y: 20 }, data: { label: 'A' }, }, { id: 'B', position: { x: 100, y: 200 }, data: { label: 'B' }, }, { id: 'C', position: { x: 300, y: 20 }, data: { label: 'C' }, }, { id: 'D', position: { x: 300, y: 170 }, data: { label: 'D' }, }, { id: 'E', position: { x: 250, y: 300 }, data: { label: 'E' }, }, { id: 'F', position: { x: 250, y: 450 }, data: { label: 'F' }, }, { id: 'G', position: { x: 20, y: 450 }, data: { label: 'G' }, }, ]; const defaultEdges = [ { id: 'A->B', source: 'A', target: 'B', markerEnd: { type: MarkerType.Arrow, }, label: 'default arrow', }, { id: 'C->D', source: 'C', target: 'D', markerEnd: { type: MarkerType.ArrowClosed, }, label: 'default closed arrow', }, { id: 'D->E', source: 'D', target: 'E', markerEnd: { type: MarkerType.ArrowClosed, }, markerStart: { type: MarkerType.ArrowClosed, orient: 'auto-start-reverse', }, label: 'marker start and marker end', }, { id: 'E->F', source: 'E', target: 'F', markerEnd: 'logo', label: 'custom marker', }, { id: 'B->G', source: 'B', target: 'G', markerEnd: { type: MarkerType.ArrowClosed, width: 20, height: 20, color: '#FF0072', }, label: 'marker size and color', style: { strokeWidth: 2, stroke: '#FF0072', }, }, ]; export default function MarkersExample() { return ( <> <svg style={{ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0 }}> <defs> <marker id="logo" viewBox="0 0 40 40" markerHeight={20} markerWidth={20} refX={20} refY={40} > <path d="M35 23H25C23.8954 23 23 23.8954 23 25V35C23 36.1046 23.8954 37 25 37H35C36.1046 37 37 36.1046 37 35V25C37 23.8954 36.1046 23 35 23Z" stroke="#1A192B" stroke-width="2" fill="white" /> <path d="M35 3H25C23.8954 3 23 3.89543 23 5V15C23 16.1046 23.8954 17 25 17H35C36.1046 17 37 16.1046 37 15V5C37 3.89543 36.1046 3 35 3Z" stroke="#FF0072" stroke-width="2" fill="white" /> <path d="M15 23H5C3.89543 23 3 23.8954 3 25V35C3 36.1046 3.89543 37 5 37H15C16.1046 37 17 36.1046 17 35V25C17 23.8954 16.1046 23 15 23Z" stroke="#1A192B" stroke-width="2" fill="white" /> <path d="M15 3H5C3.89543 3 3 3.89543 3 5V15C3 16.1046 3.89543 17 5 17H15C16.1046 17 17 16.1046 17 15V5C17 3.89543 16.1046 3 15 3Z" stroke="#1A192B" stroke-width="2" fill="white" /> <path d="M17 13C18.6569 13 20 11.6569 20 10C20 8.34315 18.6569 7 17 7C15.3431 7 14 8.34315 14 10C14 11.6569 15.3431 13 17 13Z" fill="white" /> <path d="M23 13C24.6569 13 26 11.6569 26 10C26 8.34315 24.6569 7 23 7C21.3431 7 20 8.34315 20 10C20 11.6569 21.3431 13 23 13Z" fill="white" /> <path d="M30 20C31.6569 20 33 18.6569 33 17C33 15.3431 31.6569 14 30 14C28.3431 14 27 15.3431 27 17C27 18.6569 28.3431 20 30 20Z" fill="white" /> <path d="M30 26C31.6569 26 33 24.6569 33 23C33 21.3431 31.6569 20 30 20C28.3431 20 27 21.3431 27 23C27 24.6569 28.3431 26 30 26Z" fill="white" /> <path d="M17 33C18.6569 33 20 31.6569 20 30C20 28.3431 18.6569 27 17 27C15.3431 27 14 28.3431 14 30C14 31.6569 15.3431 33 17 33Z" fill="white" /> <path d="M23 33C24.6569 33 26 31.6569 26 30C26 28.3431 24.6569 27 23 27C21.3431 27 20 28.3431 20 30C20 31.6569 21.3431 33 23 33Z" fill="white" /> <path d="M30 25C31.1046 25 32 24.1046 32 23C32 21.8954 31.1046 21 30 21C28.8954 21 28 21.8954 28 23C28 24.1046 28.8954 25 30 25Z" fill="#1A192B" /> <path d="M17 32C18.1046 32 19 31.1046 19 30C19 28.8954 18.1046 28 17 28C15.8954 28 15 28.8954 15 30C15 31.1046 15.8954 32 17 32Z" fill="#1A192B" /> <path d="M23 32C24.1046 32 25 31.1046 25 30C25 28.8954 24.1046 28 23 28C21.8954 28 21 28.8954 21 30C21 31.1046 21.8954 32 23 32Z" fill="#1A192B" /> <path opacity="0.35" d="M22 9.5H18V10.5H22V9.5Z" fill="#1A192B" /> <path opacity="0.35" d="M29.5 17.5V21.5H30.5V17.5H29.5Z" fill="#1A192B" /> <path opacity="0.35" d="M22 29.5H18V30.5H22V29.5Z" fill="#1A192B" /> <path d="M17 12C18.1046 12 19 11.1046 19 10C19 8.89543 18.1046 8 17 8C15.8954 8 15 8.89543 15 10C15 11.1046 15.8954 12 17 12Z" fill="#1A192B" /> <path d="M23 12C24.1046 12 25 11.1046 25 10C25 8.89543 24.1046 8 23 8C21.8954 8 21 8.89543 21 10C21 11.1046 21.8954 12 23 12Z" fill="#FF0072" /> <path d="M30 19C31.1046 19 32 18.1046 32 17C32 15.8954 31.1046 15 30 15C28.8954 15 28 15.8954 28 17C28 18.1046 28.8954 19 30 19Z" fill="#FF0072" /> </marker> </defs> </svg> <ReactFlow defaultNodes={defaultNodes} defaultEdges={defaultEdges} fitView style={{ backgroundColor: "#F7F9FB" }}> <Background /> </ReactFlow> </> ); }
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