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Database Schema Node

A node that can be used to visualize a database schema.


Make sure to follow the prerequisites before installing the component.

npx shadcn@latest add


1. Copy the component into your app

import { memo } from "react"; import { Position } from "@xyflow/react"; import { LabeledHandle } from "@/components/labeled-handle"; import { DatabaseSchemaNode, DatabaseSchemaNodeHeader, DatabaseSchemaNodeBody, DatabaseSchemaTableRow, DatabaseSchemaTableCell, } from "@/components/database-schema-node"; export type DatabaseSchemaNodeData = { selected?: boolean; data: { label: string; schema: { title: string; type: string }[]; }; }; const DatabaseSchemaDemo = memo( ({ data, selected }: DatabaseSchemaNodeData) => { return ( <DatabaseSchemaNode className="p-0" selected={selected}> <DatabaseSchemaNodeHeader>{data.label}</DatabaseSchemaNodeHeader> <DatabaseSchemaNodeBody> { => ( <DatabaseSchemaTableRow key={entry.title}> <DatabaseSchemaTableCell className="pl-0 pr-6 font-light"> <LabeledHandle id={entry.title} title={entry.title} type="target" position={Position.Left} /> </DatabaseSchemaTableCell> <DatabaseSchemaTableCell className="pr-0 font-thin"> <LabeledHandle id={entry.title} title={entry.type} type="source" position={Position.Right} className="p-0" handleClassName="p-0" labelClassName="p-0 w-full pr-3 text-right" /> </DatabaseSchemaTableCell> </DatabaseSchemaTableRow> ))} </DatabaseSchemaNodeBody> </DatabaseSchemaNode> ); }, ); export default DatabaseSchemaDemo;

2. Connect the component with your React Flow application.

import { Background, Edge, ReactFlow } from "@xyflow/react"; import DatabaseSchemaDemo from "./component-example"; const nodeTypes = { databaseSchema: DatabaseSchemaDemo, }; const defaultNodes = [ { id: "1", position: { x: 0, y: 0 }, type: "databaseSchema", data: { label: "Products", schema: [ { title: "id", type: "uuid" }, { title: "name", type: "varchar" }, { title: "description", type: "varchar" }, { title: "warehouse_id", type: "uuid" }, { title: "supplier_id", type: "uuid" }, { title: "price", type: "money" }, { title: "quantity", type: "int4" }, ], }, }, { id: "2", position: { x: 350, y: -100 }, type: "databaseSchema", data: { label: "Warehouses", schema: [ { title: "id", type: "uuid" }, { title: "name", type: "varchar" }, { title: "address", type: "varchar" }, { title: "capacity", type: "int4" }, ], }, }, { id: "3", position: { x: 350, y: 200 }, type: "databaseSchema", data: { label: "Suppliers", schema: [ { title: "id", type: "uuid" }, { title: "name", type: "varchar" }, { title: "description", type: "varchar" }, { title: "country", type: "varchar" }, ], }, }, ]; const defaultEdges: Edge[] = [ { id: "products-warehouses", source: "1", target: "2", sourceHandle: "warehouse_id", targetHandle: "id", }, { id: "products-suppliers", source: "1", target: "3", sourceHandle: "supplier_id", targetHandle: "id", }, ]; export default function App() { return ( <div className="h-full w-full"> <ReactFlow defaultNodes={defaultNodes} defaultEdges={defaultEdges} nodeTypes={nodeTypes} fitView > <Background /> </ReactFlow> </div> ); }
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