Updatable Edge

Updatable Edge

An edge is updatable by dragging it to another handle if you are using the onEdgeUpdate handler prop. The handler gets called after the edge gets dropped to a new handle. You can use the updateEdge helper function to update your edges state accordingly.

A couple of properties interact with one another to determine whether an edge is updatable or not:

  • By default the edgesUpdatable is set to true.

  • For edges to actually be draggable, though, it is also necessary to define a onEdgeUpdate handler.

  • Individual edges can be made non-updatable by setting their updatable prop to false or they can restrict the dragging to a specific handle by setting it to either "source" or "target". It's important to note that the edgesUpdatable prop must be set to true. You can consider an edge's updatable prop as a way to restrict an updatable edge to a specific handle or no handle at all rather than a way to override the edgesUpdatable prop.